For Ambitious Soccer Players Who Want To Take Their Game To The Next Level ONLY!


Progressive Soccer Academy

Develop The Soccer Skills You Need To Earn Your Starting Position, Become The Go-To Player During “Crunch Time”, And Dominate Your Opponents Every Match Day...

What Will We Cover On Your PSA Application Call?
  • What are your current skills? Everyone starts at a baseline level of skill. As soon as we identify what your base level of skill is, we can start developing a plan to help you improve dramatically over the coming weeks.
  • What are your future goals? What do you want to accomplish as a soccer player? In order to give you the skills you need to reach your goals, we have to know exactly what your future goals are.
  • ​​Build a training process to get you where you want to be. Now that we understand your current situation and what your goals are, we can build a tailored training process to help get you the results you want.
Meet The Founder Of Progressive Soccer Training And Your New Coach!
Dylan Tooby

Hey future soccer star, Coach Dylan here.

If you’re on this page today it means you are part of the top 1% of soccer players actively researching how to improve their game. Congratulations!

My goal today is to give you a path to soccer success no matter what your skill level is today.

But before we get into how we’re going to do that, let me introduce myself...

My name is Dylan Tooby, and I started playing soccer when I was only 9 years old. Even though I was a naturally talented kid growing up, my soccer career was far from perfect.

When I was 10 years old, I made the local all-star team called “The Selects” for talented young players.

My first few seasons of soccer were great.

I was more athletic than the other kids… I scored goals… The fans cheered… 
And all that can go to the head of a 10-year-old kid.

I foolishly started thinking that I was going to be the best soccer player in the world! That was, of course, until I tried out for my first elite club soccer team when I was 14.

Despite being positive I was going 
to be the star player on the club team...
I was cut before the season even started!

It was so humiliating I didn’t even want to go to school the next day.  It felt like a snake had curled up in my stomach and was slowly poisoning me from the inside out.

I didn’t want to get out of bed… I didn’t want to eat... I didn’t want to see my friends… And even seeing a soccer ball was so depressing it was almost physically painful.

If you’ve ever been cut from your team or just not gotten the results you KNEW you could get as a soccer might understand how much it sucked to be cut from my club team.

It was humiliating… It was depressing… And it was just downright painful…

And if you’re anything like me and have failed in soccer before whether you:

Missed the winning goal for your team...

 Got demoted to the JV team...

 Were pulled out of the game during the final 15 minutes...

 ​Or got cut from your team like I did...

there is good news!
No matter what you’ve been told...

“Failing” DOES NOT MEAN you're destined to be a “bad” soccer player.

Inside of everyone who LOVES soccer (like me and you) is a star player with the skills to dazzle crowds of spectators as they watch you dominate your opponents like a pro nobody has ever seen play before.

You CAN become that star soccer player that everybody in your school, your town, or even your entire conference talks about!

How do I know? Because I did it myself…

After I was cut from my club team, I used the pain I felt as motivation to become the best player I could be.

The following year there was a tryout for an elite provincial team. And this time I was ready after training like a maniac for the past year…

Not only was I selected over every player on the team I was cut from…

I was one of only 3 players in the entire city selected, and one of only 18 players selected from the entire province!
Through the rest of high school, I developed into a star player that started every game and played every minute of “crunch time”.

My coaches loved me…
I was “popular” for the first time in my life…

And I even started hearing from University scouts looking for new players on their teams!

It wasn’t long before a scout from a local University found me and offered me a full scholarship to play soccer and get my school paid for.

I accepted. I thought I had finally made it!

But once again, I found myself in a new environment full of players that had ALL been stars in highschool. 

Now I was just another guy running around the field competing for minutes. I hated it.

I didn’t stand out, I ended up getting benched, and eventually I got so frustrated that I actually quit soccer for a full season!

Just like the last time I was cut, I had 2 options when it came to my soccer career…

Option 1 = Give up and go back to my “normal” life
Option 2 = Come back stronger, faster, and more skilled than ever before

I chose option 2.

The following year I came back as a brand new player and played my 4th and final year at the rival University where I played against my old team.

Not only did I earn back my starting spot…
I became the MVP and the top goal scorer in the entire league!

After University I went on to win tournaments, leagues championships, and even received International caps playing for my countries National futsal (hard court) team.

And after I retired from competitive soccer play, I decided to dedicate my life to teaching other soccer players how to improve their game and live up to their potential as the footballers they’ve always wanted to be.

To this day, I’ve helped transform literally tens of thousands of soccer player’s lives through my social media pages on YouTube and Instagram that now total over 500,000 followers and subscribers!

And now, for the first time ever, I’ve opened up The Progressive Soccer Training Academy to teach players like you the same drills and the same mindset trainings I did to vastly improve my game during the off season and come back a brand new player that my coaches were DYING to have on their team.

Just check out some of our clients' results!
Here’s what they have to say about Progressive Soccer academy:
What Exactly Do You Get When You Join...
Progressive Soccer Academy?
These 12 modules are the foundation of the Progressive Soccer Academy that EVERY student must master to become a threat on the field.

As you progress through each module, you’ll get live QnA sessions with me - Dylan Tooby - and video breakdowns of professional players so you can stay on track and continue making progress every week.

...or a complete beginner who just wants to land a starting position on your first soccer team.

Here’s how it works…

PSA Part One:

The 12 Week Training Module

These 12 modules are the foundation of the Progressive Soccer Academy that EVERY student must master to become a threat on the field.

The 3 parts of this training module include:
  • The 12 modules with video tutorials 
  • ​1 hour live Q&A - Get the chance to talk directly to coach Dylan and ask questions about this weeks modules or personal soccer problems you need help solving!
  • 1 hour ​professional Video Analysis - each week Dylan will send you a new private video showing examples of the skills you've been learning demonstrated by professional players and teams

($2,950 VALUE)

Module 1

Goal Setting & Purpose Activation

The first step to success is simple…


You cannot reach a destination without first knowing exactly where you want to go.

More importantly…

You will not achieve your goals if you don’t connect with your purpose for being on the field.

This is what we will flesh out in this module.

(Days 0-7)

Module 2

Unshakeable Mental Toughness

One of the biggest mistakes soccer players make is trying to train their skills BEFORE they train their mindset.

If you have amazing skills but have a poor mindset, you’ll NEVER be a star soccer player, and may never even land your spot on your team’s starting lineup.

But with a great mindset and passable soccer skills, you can become the best soccer player in your town, your area, and sometimes even your state!

Great soccer ALL starts with a powerful mindset. And that’s why we dedicate this module to purely working on your mind.

(Days 8-14)

Module 3

Foundational Soccer Training Principles

Have you ever heard that saying “Practice makes perfect”?

It’s a LIE.

The truth is that only perfect practice makes perfect.

In other words, if you want to achieve your potential in soccer, you have to learn how to PROPERLY train your skills.

Just 1 hour of perfect practice is worth 100 hours of imperfect practice. So that’s why this module is dedicated to training principles. And it’s also the first time we are going to dive all into live soccer training drills!

(Days 15-21)

Module 4

Next Level Nutrition For Athletes

Nutrition is one of the most overlooked parts of great soccer training, especially by young players.

In order to play at your highest level, you need to fuel yourself with foods that you A) Actually LIKE to eat and B) Supercharge your body with energy!

There are even special foods that I have all my students eat right before their games to ensure they run on the field at max energy levels, and I will reveal them all in this module.

(Days 22-27)

Module 5

Pro Technique Development

Pro soccer players do things that most average players never even dream of.

In this module we’re going to break down the techniques used by the top players in the world and “factory install” them in your game to use during your next match!

(Days 28-35)

Module 6

Progressive Athleticism

Let’s face it, you can’t be a fantastic soccer player without great athleticism.

If you want to be the starter on your team or even get recruited to play professionally, you NEED to be agile, fast, strong, and have a great vertical jump.

We are going to train your athleticism in this module to make sure you’re ready to outwork and maneuver your opponents whenever you step on the field.

(Days 36-42)

Module 7

Decision Making & Match Intelligence

Have you ever wondered how players like Messi just ALWAYS make the right play on the field?

It comes down to training something called your “RAS” aka, your Reticular Activation System.

It’s a part of your brain that acts instinctually rather than logically allowing you to make the RIGHT decision musch faster when in a game time situation.

This is the part of your brain we will train in this module with specific game time drills.

(Days 43-49)

Module 8

Progressive Defending

Whatever your position on the field, you NEED to know defense in and out.

Not only does knowing the defense make you a better field general that understands what’s going on around you on the field, but it also makes you a better choice for more playing time when you can fill the defensive positions on the field.

(Days 50-56)

Module 9

Progressive Attacking

Same as with defense, every player NEEDS to know how to attack another team's defense, even if you’re the goalie.

The reason why is because the deeper you understand the game, the better you become at every position on the field.

Your coach will love you, your teammates will look up to you, and you will find yourself with more playing time than ever before when you master the attacking skills we will cover in this module.

(Days 57-63)

Module 10

Match Day Performance

There are lots of players that play well in training, but few can actually pull it together and put on a great performance when it matters most.

What allows you to practice well is totally different from what allows you to perform well come match day.

In this module we will make you a more consistent and dependable player come game time rather than the player that only plays well during practice.

(Days 64-69)

Module 11

Superhuman Recovery Habits

Another often overlooked part of great soccer is great recovery habits.

To play well, you HAVE to recover well.

There’s no way around it!

Without great recovery, you’ll always be a shadow of the player you really could be.

But with great recovery, you’ll striking fear into your opponents every time you step onto the field overflowing with great energy every game day!

We will break down recovery habits in depth in this module.

(Days 70-76)

Module 12

Achieving Goals & Taking Action

Learning is great...but it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t actually TAKE ACTION on what you learn!

In module 12 we’ll review all the new skills you’ve built and put them into practice so you can continue to progress as a soccer player for the long term!

(Days 77-84)

PSA Part two:

The Daily Soccer Pro Routine

Even though our 12 week training module will cover most everything you need to know to be a great player, I can’t do everything for you.
No coach can!

That’s why we are going to build your very own daily routine for you to do EVERY DAY.

Ideally this routine will only take 10-15 minutes so you can easily complete it even if you have lots of training with your current team.

List of all drills, repetitions, and times so there is no confusion and you'll know exactly what to do each day.

Efficient training and consistent efforts daily are essential for your development so this is REQUIRED in this program for you to do DAILY.

You will do this daily routine wherever you are... Whatever you’re doing…
Whoever you’re with at least 1x/day like clockwork...

I’ll share with you my personal daily routine and send you detailed instructions including drills, sets, repetitions, and times to follow along at first before you eventually create your own unique daily routine for never ending soccer improvement.

($1,950 VALUE)

PSA Part three:

Group Accountability

There are 3 kinds of accountability in the world.

1 = Personal accountability (weakest)
2 = Coach accountability (better)
3 = Group accountability (strongest and most effective)

When you have a group of other great soccer players around you that are supportive and want to see you win, you improve just by being around them.

This is why you are going to be invited to join our private Progessive Soccer Academy Facebook group where you will get access to other soccer players from all over the world.

This way you can always have a community to look to for support when things get tough.

The better people you have around you the harder it is to quit. And if you don’t quit, it’s near impossible to not succeed!

($450 VALUE)


PSA Training Vault

Over the years I’ve created so many videos that I didn’t even know what to do with all of them!

But when I went back into the deep dark vaults of my hard-drive, I found a few “hidden gems” that NEVER saw the light of day.

Inside this bonus module you’ll get 8 separate training modules to give an extra boost to your game.

($1,650 VALUE)

 bonus Module 1

8 secrets I wish every footballer knew

Some of the hardest lessons I’ve learned over my years in this sport and priceless pieces of information I wish someone shared with me when I was just starting out.

 bonus Module 2

Interviews with football professionals

In-depth discussions with professional players, FIFA agents, pro scouts, college coaches and more. Get the answers to all the questions you’ve wanted to ask someone who’s already achieved your goals.

 bonus Module 3

Cooking and nutrition with Dylan 

A collection of full length cooking tutorials that show you step by step how to quickly cook nutritious, energizing food by yourself so you’re not dependent on others for high quality meals ever again.

 bonus Module 4

Match Winner Routine

On field match realistic training sessions + In Gym strength and conditioning sessions accompanied with sets, reps, and recommendations for players of all ages and abilities.

 bonus Module 5

Train To Dominate Routines

Morning routines, at home training alternatives, pre-match activation rituals, and much more

 bonus Module 6

50 Progressive Soccer Drills

All you need is a ball and a wall. Any player can use these drills to improve their skills, fitness, and confidence without teammates.

 bonus Module 7

Triple Your Talent

3 different 45 minute follow along training sessions - watch the video or plug in the headphones - complete each drill with Coach Dylan in real time to take all the confusion out of training.

 bonus Module 8

play like a pro

More bonus educational tutorials covering every aspect of personal player development, match performances, and achieving your long term goals. Also comes with training technical routines for the field and strength and conditioning workouts for gym.

With these bonuses added into your game you’ll be near UNSTOPPABLE by the end of our 12 weeks training together!

don't just take my word for it...

Here’s what clients are saying!

Do you have what it takes?

 to reach your goals & finally achieve the transformation you’ve been trying to obtain on your own?

Who Should NOT Apply To Join The Progressive Soccer Academy?

Please DO NOT book your call to join Progressive Soccer Academy If you:
  • Are close minded and unwilling to learn
  • Are defensive and unable to take constructive criticism
  • Blame other people instead of taking responsibility for your own results
  • Are unable or unwilling to work hard and find solutions to difficult problems
  • Are all talk with no ability to take massive action.

Who SHOULD Apply For The Progressive Soccer Academy?

Please ONLY apply to join The Progressive Soccer Academy if you:
  • Are open minded and ready to learn new things
  • Are able to to take constructive criticism without getting defensive
  • ​Are willing to take action on the feedback you will get to constantly improve
  • Are ambitious and hungry to improve your game
  • Willing to invest time, energy, and money into your future to become a great soccer player

 How can I beat and stand out from all of the other players chasing the same goal?

Every young soccer player dreams of becoming a professional player…

Very few make it.


Attitude and Action.

There’s no denying natural ability is important and if we look at the top 1% of players in the world - ex. Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar

These are levels of ability most of us will never achieve.

But you don’t need to have Messi level ability to achieve most soccer goals.

Attitude and routine can create ability.

If you have a great attitude you can develop your ability overtime. I’ll show you how to own a winner’s attitude and improve every single area of your game so you can eventually ascend into the highest levels of play.

Action is more important than ability. 

 How do I get faster?

Analysis. Technique. Practice. Power.

Speed is a skill.

Yes, some players are blessed with natural pace, but everyone can become faster - including you!

I’ll show you how to analyze the fastest players, improve your sprinting technique, how to practice the skill of speed, and increase the power in your legs so you can become faster with and without the ball in a short period of time.

 How can I run longer during a game? I get so tired toward the end of my matches!

Most players approach stamina all wrong. You can’t go for 30 minute jogs and expect to be able to handle the diverse and intense demands of a 90 minute football match.

I’ll show you unconventional approaches to stamina like - breathing, mentality, and nutrition that will have you feeling fit in no time.

 What drills should I do to improve my skills?

Sadly, most players waste their time when they train individually.

And even more sadly, most team practices don’t do anything to develop your individual technical skills.

Match realistic training and proper self-analysis of your technique are two components of my training system that will have you seeing noticeable changes in your technique FAST.

Combine these two elements with CONSISTENCY (and accountability from me and your fellow Progressive Soccer Academy teammates) and your skills will get sharper day by day.

 How is this program different than watching free youtube videos?

The biggest difference is STRUCTURE and 1-1 access to me.

Have you hard that saying…

“The man who chases two rabbits catches none.”?

Most people who want to improve at soccer jump from video to video, routine to routine, and never get LASTING results.

If you want FAST results to help improve this season, you need a structured system for your soccer training and education or else you’ll just be spinning your wheels.

I’ve packaged all of my best ideas in the proper order over 12 weeks to help you elevate your game in record breaking time.

And remember, you’ll get 1-1 access to me to help you improve your skills personally whenever you need help.

 What is the biggest difference between average and professional players?

Professionalism is not just what you do on the field…

But how you conduct yourself as a man or woman off the field.

Being respectful, holding integrity, showing up on time, communicating efficiently, and having effective daily routines are all little “booster shots” that help you improve your soccer game AND your entire life.

Professional players have incredible mental toughness, explosive athleticism, and extremely well developed advanced skills.

The higher level of play, the stronger you need to be in all these areas.

And the BEST way to develop these skills is to simply focus on getting just a little better every day.

Progressive Soccer Academy will give you the training and mentality to develop professional level skills with time.

 Is it possible to get better even faster?

Yes! There is always another level and the best players all know they can never stop improving.

The better you become the harder it is to improve, but if you’ve never gone through a structured training system like Progressive Soccer Academy…

It’s likely you’ll see a massive increase in your level of skill quicker than ever before.

 How do I get to the next level (college or pro)?

Obviously you need to have a certain level of ability to play at these levels. You don’t just “luck” your way in.

But a high level of ability can be developed quickly if you have the right attitude to never stop improving.

 How can I get my coach to change their opinion of me so I can get more playing time?

You have to earn it my friend.

Nothing is going to be given to you in this game. You don’t get more playing time just because you want it.

Results earn respect.

Start by being open and honest with your coach. Tell him about your desire for more playing time and ask him exactly what he needs to see in order for you to play more.

Don’t get defensive when they give you real answers. The truth can hurt but accept it and use it as motivation to improve. Your attitude and hunger to improve will be the first sign to your coach that you might deserve more playing time in the future.

After that, it’s all about developing your skills.

And the fastest improvements my players have ever seen is from joining structured training programs just like Progressive Soccer Academy.

 If you were never a professional player how can you help other players achieve this goal?

Although I’ve helped players all around achieve their goals of playing at the top level, I was never a professional player myself.

The truth is…

I didn’t realize it was a possibility when I was a young player. I was brainwashed by negative coaches and teammates telling me I couldn’t make it.

So when I eventually developed the skills that could have allowed me to play professionally…

It was too late.


With the information I’ve acquired over the years through personal experience and spending time with professional football players, agents, coaches, and scouts all around the world…

I have made it my duty and purpose in life to show you that whatever level of play you want to achieve IS possible.

And I want you to be my next success story.
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